I have been sick for so long finally get over that to have waves of sickness come again I am so very tired of this. But finally feeling better and now to get back into my weight loss mode. I lost 27 lbs over 2009 with a total of 50 pounds now gone forever. Time to get back into this weight loss and get healthy.
I have done some sewing and stitching. Attached is a picture of the tote I made my sister for her birthday next month.

I was in an exchange in one of my groups but don't want to ruin Viv surprise so I will show a picture when it arrives in UK.
I have been doing some crafting for Hospice with

a friend of mine and so far we have about 15 of these almost done. We are also doing small purse size Kleenex covers and little bird house ornaments, and cute little ornaments kids love that are animals and hold candies will show pictures when they are done as well. Working on a tote for my daughter very beautiful material can't wait to work with it. Also working on a bell pull with Christmas frogs on it just about ready to start my frogs, others in the group SAL have a few frogs already finished, so I am a little behind.
Worked on some wedding invitations for a friends daughter can't wait to see the final result of all that work. They should turn out great.
Olympics are on TV watched the Opening ceremonies and I was quite impressed they did a good job, and we are doing pretty good we have 1 of each medal I will be watching the ceremony tonight where they will give out the Gold medal. Well off to watch some more and stitch a bit. Chat soon